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7th Grade SAT Course Information

The SAT is a test students usually take for college admissions. The test has three sections: Reading, Writing and Math. Although, for grading purposes the Reading/Writing sections are combined into one section. The SAT is about three hours and 45 minutes long. Most people agree that the SAT is the single most important test students can take in high school.
The SAT is created by Educational Testing Service (ETS). ETS is paid by the College Board to create the exam. Both of these companies are private.
The SAT is given seven times per year in the following months: August, October, November, December, March, May, and June. The test dates vary by year. To view specific dates visit
Registration deadlines are approximately 5 weeks before each test date. You may want to register at least 6 – 8 weeks ahead of time to avoid late fees and to ensure that you can take the SAT at your preferred test center. The test center may fill up, in which case you would have to consider alternate options, such as testing at a different test center or moving your exam date to the next date that the SAT is administered.
To register online, visit
To register by mail, first obtain a copy of the College Board’s Bulletin for the SAT Program (available at your school’s guidance counselor’s office). You can also request for a copy of the Bulletin for the SAT Program to be sent you by calling College Board at (609)-771-7600 or writing to:
College Board SAT Program
P.O. Box 6200
Princeton, NJ 08541 – 6200
The SAT costs $46, with the optional essay $60 + a $29 late fee if you register after the registration deadline. For more SAT-related fees, click on the following link:
The scores are usually mailed out 4 – 6 weeks after you take the test. You may also look up your scores online through the College Board website two weeks after your exam at
On the day of your test, if you want to cancel your score during your exam or after finishing your exam, you should ask the test supervisor for a “Request to Cancel Test Scores” form. You can submit the completed form immediately at the testing center. You can also think about it for a day or two before mailing it to College Board. However, College Board must receive your request form no later than 11:59 pm (Eastern Time) the Thursday after the test. You must include the test date, test center number, name of the test you are cancelling, your name, address, sex, birth date, social security number, registration number, and your signature. You must label your request “Attention: SAT Score Cancellation” and send it via one of the following methods:
Fax: 610-290-8978
Overnight delivery via U.S. Postal Service Express Mail (U.S. only):
SAT Score Cancellation
P.O. Box 6228
Princeton, NJ 08541-6228
Other overnight mail service or courier (U.S. or international):
SAT Score Cancellation
1425 Lower Ferry Road
Ewing, NJ 08618
You can take the SAT Test as many times as you want; however, every time you take the SAT, the score is put on your permanent record. However, your scores will not be shared with any college or university without your permission, and you may choose to share individual score reports. So, for example, if you take the SAT three times, you can choose to only use the best score when you apply to college. While some of the more competitive colleges say they do not want you taking the SAT more than two or three times, most colleges do not care how many times you take the SAT.
A good score is one that will get you into the college of your choice, so the answer depends on where you want to go to college. The average score on the SAT is about a 1540. While class rank, extracurricular activities, major, recommendations, essays, and other factors also come into play in college admissions, below is an estimate of what score is needed on the SAT for various colleges:
University Name | Score Required |
Harvard University | 1550 or above |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | 1540 or above |
New York University (NYU) | 1430 or above |
Princeton University | 1550 or above |
Rice University | 1510 or above |
Stanford University | 1540 or above |
University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) | 1450 or above |
University of Colorado – Boulder | 1300 or above |
University of Houston | 1080 or above |
University of Southern California (USC) | 1450 or above |
University of Texas – Austin | 1350 or above |
Because the SAT is the most important test for college admissions, it is always best to start preparing as early as possible. This allows more preparation time to achieve score goals. For students who have the goal of becoming a National Merit Semi-finalist, it is best to start by June the summer before 10th grade. Otherwise, a student should start the summer before their 11th grade to maximize the effectiveness of our program, as there are no distractions such as school homework, projects, exams, or any other school activities. Students should start preparing for the SAT no later than the summer before their 12th grade.
Once you have completed high school algebra and geometry, you are ready to take the SAT. Although the SAT does include Algebra II, it is only a small fraction of the math section, about 10%.
College admissions in the United States are not standardized in any way, which means that each undergraduate college develops its own system. Some of the most important factors in college admissions are high school grades, difficulty of a student’s high school course selection, and scores on the SAT. The reputation of the high school is also important. Extracurricular activities such as membership to clubs, service activities, and athletic or musical talents are important during the admissions process and it is very damaging to a student’s application for him or her to have no extracurricular involvement. The typical breakdown of college admissions is as follows: class rank is 50%, the SAT is 25%, and extracurricular activities and recommendations make up the last 25%. Private schools tend to rely more on extracurricular activities for admissions than public schools do.
Educational consultants counsel students and their families in the selection of educational programs, based on the student’s individual needs and talents. The need for an educational consultant can vary based on the students; we recommend starting by arranging a meeting with your counselor as a research base. They can give you some general information as a starting point for your research. If your school counselors spend many hours counseling the students through the admission process and they have received special training through workshops or if you have access to information through a college career center, you may not need an educational consultant. If you are completely new to the college admissions process, you might consider signing up for one of our College Admissions Workshop.
To find out more about scholarships, their availability and requirements, visit, you can also visit for information on financial aid. You should also ask the companies that your parents are employed at for any scholarship opportunities.
Summer jobs are a great way to earn some money, and they also provide an excellent opportunity to gain experience. Work experience demonstrates your abilities such as time management, responsibility level, character, and leadership potential. Work experience can be anything from after-school or summer program participation to internships. You should inquire with your parents’ employers for any internships or summer job opportunities. Internships, whether paid or not, give you a first-hand look at specific careers as a way to identify career interests. In whatever programs you participate in, whether a job, an internship, or helping out at home, your experience is an important way to demonstrate key qualities. Participation in various activities may even help you find a topic for your college essays. Whatever qualities that you develop through this experience will help you build your resume and enhance your college applications. The summer before your 12th grade is the best time for summer employment, which is why we recommend Testmasters after 10th grade. You may want to start looking for a summer job in the spring of your 11th grade, which is when most employers start hiring for the summer. Remember, the quality of your experience is much more important than the number of dollars you can earn at any job!
State and community colleges, also known as public colleges, are generally less expensive than private colleges. Public colleges receive funding from their respective states in order to make the cost of education affordable to the greatest number of people. Most states offer in-state residents a significantly lower tuition price. At community colleges, your tuition rate is based on your district. If you live within a particular community college district, you can take courses for a lower price than students who live outside of the district.
Private colleges, on the other hand, do not receive the same type of funding; they rely more heavily on tuition, endowments and other private sources of revenue. Private colleges are usually more expensive than public colleges, but they may offer smaller class sizes, or additional scholarships and grants that are not available at public schools.
Your decision on which school to attend or even which schools to narrow down your search to generally depend on the following two criteria: money (scholarships and financial aid) and your choice of major(s). If you know your major then you should apply to the best school for that major that you can get into. If you are unsure of your major, then you should apply to a very well-rounded school, where you can explore different career options and fields of study. Only you can decide which institutions are right for you, based on your specifications and the programs that you are interested in. Remember to do as much research as possible to make a well-informed choice.
Dual Degree Programs differ from university to university. In general terms, universities offer a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in your field of studies in a shorter amount of time than if you pursued the two degrees independently (varies by university). They also offer different variations such as offering an Associate Degree and Bachelor’s Degree or two different Master’s Degrees.
Students successfully completing the program earn two degrees: Associate and Bachelor’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s, or Master’s and Master’s (depending on which degrees you pursue and what options the school offers). With the Dual Degree Program, one year of school and its financial costs are saved; additionally, having two degrees will give you an edge over other candidates in the interview process when applying for employment.