Home » K – 8th Grade
Register Today K – 8th Grade Exam Prep Courses
National standardized exams (in addition to state-wide testing) are becoming more common for K-8th students, for admissions as well as for talent identification. Testmasters offers the following courses for K-8 students:
The ISEE exam is used by prestigious private middle schools, secondary schools, boarding schools, and military academies to help determine a student’s admission qualifications.
The test is offered at varying levels determined by grade. Choose your level based on the grade ranges below:
The HSPT (High School Placement Test) is a nationally-recognized private school entrance examination. Learn more about the Testmasters HSPT prep course options and read more information about the HSPT.
The Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) and the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) invite 7th and 8th graders to take the SAT. Learn more about Testmasters SAT prep course options.