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ISEE Tutoring: General Information

ISEE Tutoring Sessions (2 hours each)

Testmasters Tutoring for the ISEE offers students one on one instruction for all three levels of the ISEE: Lower, Middle, and Upper. Tutors work intensively with students, identifying areas that need improvement, teaching material, practicing with students on problems, and tailoring the session to their particular needs. Private tutoring is available 7 days a week in two-hour sessions focused on the particular subject area the student would like to work on. Tutors provide all materials, drawing from Testmasters’ extensive test preparation resources. Testmasters has been in the test preparation industry for over 20 years; our ISEE tutors are highly experienced, and will work with students to help them achieve their goals on the ISEE. To schedule a session or to inquire further about general tutoring, please call our office at (281) 276-7777 or 1-800-910-EXAM.

ISEE Private 1-on-1 Courses

Need more than a few hours of tutoring? The Testmasters ISEE Private 1-on-1 ISEE Course is available for all three levels of the ISEE: Lower, Middle, and Upper. The Private 1-on-1 Course covers the same material taught in the Full Length Classroom Course, but it allows students to choose the location and schedule of their course and is conducted in a one on one format. The Testmasters staff is available to work with students to design a program of study that fits both their schedule and educational needs. For more information on a Testmasters ISEE Private 1-on-1 ISEE Course in your area, click here and input your Test, City, and State.

How do I register for ISEE Tutoring?

You can register for ISEE private tutoring options by calling our office at (281) 276-7777 or 1-800-910-EXAM.

Why choose Testmasters?

Testmasters understands the challenges involved in taking the ISEE. We know how challenging the ISEE can be, but we have extensive knowledge about the exam, and extremely experienced instructors who specialize in teaching the ISEE. Students who sign up for Testmasters ISEE courses or private tutoring will benefit from our 20+ years in the test preparation industry, our interactive instructors, and our carefully designed ISEE curriculum.